Change Management
We work with your organisation to fully define and understand change. This clarity helps to engage the stakeholders necessary to make the change and ensure that expectations are fully aligned.
A successful Change Management Strategy and Program increases usage and adoption, which is essential to deliver benefits.
We provide the Sponsor, Project and Change Manager with advice as needed.
This can be for a specific project or on Change Management in general.
It is critical we understand your organisation’s culture before offering Change Management advice and recommend formal training before seeking advice.
Regular sessions with Change and Project Managers, the Sponsor and selected members of the Project Team and/or Project Management Office.
The extent of mentoring will depend on the skills and experience of your Change Manager and are sometimes targeted at bridging any gap between the Change and Project Managers.
Regular sessions with the Change Manager and can include the Sponsor and Project Manager and selected members of the Project Team and Project Office.
Typically sessions are as needed on topics as required – see training.
This is more hands-on and coaching is aimed at improving outcomes for a specific project.
Before coaching can commence we spend time understanding the project and your organisation’s culture.
Formal training covering a range of topics including:
- Creating a Change Management Plan
- Change Management Strategies
- Benefits Management
- Defining Usage and Adoption, including Baselines
- Change Management Tools and Methodologies (Including ADKAR)
- Communication Styles
- Defining Change (Technology, Process, Behaviors and Physiological)