Project Management Mentoring, Coaching, Advice and Project Rescue
We provide a range of Mentoring, Coaching, Advice and Support aimed at entire projects or specific focus areas. The following are guidelines of the services provided and costs. We work with your organisation to determine the best mix of services to ensure that staff gain knowledge and skill and your organisation receives value.
Contact us for a free initial consultation to understand what your organisation needs to succeed.

Advice is really up to your organisaton to use as required.
This can include advice on any project management focus areas, about a particular project or general advice or knowledge sharing in general.
We recommend Change Management and Culture Training before seeking advice or a workshop to understand more of your organisation before being confident we can offer the best advice.
Bank of days, purchased in blocks of 10 hours for example 10 hours costing $2,000.
Minimum drawdown 2 hours per fortnight
Advice can also be ad-hoc or scheduled and is normally delivered on-line.
Organisations normally take up the Advice offering after they have completed Mentoring and/or Coaching sessions.
Mentoring and Coaching are very similar and the difference is that mentoring applies focus areas across projects in general and is designed to improve the skill and knowledge for all people involved in delivering projects.
We can also create a separate Current State Assessment of your project management maturity level and then propose a mentoring program or you can use this to improve areas internally.
Included is a Pre-Mentoring workshop to understand your needs and to develop a Mentoring Schedule including recommended sessions.
Typically mentoring sessions are one day per fortnight and then less often.
Small group Mentoring session including prep workshop and post session follow up – half-day $2,000, full day $2,500.
Typical cost for a Current State Assessment on project management maturity including a survey and assessment of project management artifacts $4,000.
Mentoring and Coaching are very similar and the difference is that mentoring applies focus areas across projects in general and is designed to improve the skill and knowledge for all people involved in delivering projects.
We also offer coaching and advice as a way or rescuing a project.
We recommend completing an assessment of the project including artifacts and then propose a coaching program.
Free Pre-Coaching workshop to understand your project and to develop a Coaching Schedule including recommended sessions.
Typically coaching sessions start off full time and then less frequently.
Small group Coaching session including prep and post session follow up half-day $2,000, full day $2,500.
Typical costs for a Project assessment including project and artifacts $2,000.
Formal training in each focus area. Each session can be tailored to your needs using current projects you are working on. The following are typical course duration times:
Free Pre-Training workshop to understand your needs and to develop a Training Schedule including recommended sessions.
1/2 Day sessions $1,500
Full Day sessions $2,500
All sessions $15,000

Take the guess work out of prioritising projects
The Project Prioritiser combined with our expertise can provide a clever way to decide and align project activities making it a more effective to govern projects.
The costs and benefits used to prioritise a project can directly feed into the Business Case, Project Management, Change Management and Benefits Realisation. This increases the alignment between all the plans and is more likely to result in project success and benefits being delivered. Equal Bytes can provide valuable assistance, based on our years of experience and our expertise, in all these areas.